University ST in Manila (Philippine Islands) owned a suitable patronage founded by Carlos II king in 1680, thankful to Fray Alonso Sandin.
Fray Alonso Sandin General procurator of the dominician order was born in Aldeadávila de la Ribera, Arribes of River Duero, SALAMANCA, Spain in 1640, and was died in Madrid in 1701.
The full text of the royal patronage is the next: (Translation into English from Spanish original)
"The King.
Inasmuch as Fray Alonso Sandín, definitor and procurator-general of the province of Santo Rosario of the Order of St. Dominic in the Filipinas Islands, has represented to me that a public academic institution was erected in the college of Santo Tomás of the city of Manila, by a bull of his Holiness Inocencio X, promulgated in November 20, 1645, at the instance of the king my sovereign and father , may He rest in Peace, and passed by my Council of the Indias, by virtue of which degreesin the arts and theology are granted in that institution, with full rigor of examinations and publicity, to capable persons in those islands, from which follows a notable advantage for furnishing prebends and curacies, for which the students therein compete, the petition me that, considering this, in order that the students energy may not decrease in what at present is flourishing, I be pleased to admit that University under my Royal Patronage, and declare myself to be its patron.
My said Council, having examined the petition, together with an authentic copy of the document erecting the University and of what my fiscal said concerning it, I have considered it expedient to admit, as by this present I do, the said University of the college of Santo Tomás of the city of Manila under my protection, and declare it to be under my Royal Patronage. I order my president and the auditors of my Audiencia of that city, and request and charge the Archbishop of the city, the bishops of the said islands, the ecclesiastical and secular Cabildos, the superiors of the orders, and any other of my judges and justices of the islands, that they consider it as such, and observe it; and that they cause to be observed the privileges and exceptions that pertain to it by reason of such Patronage, for so is my will.
Given in Madrid, May 17, 1680.
The King (Carlos II)
BY order of the Kinf our sovereign
José de Veitialinage"