Energetic & Multiservice IBERDROLA Company is expanded actually along many countries, covering the five continents. One of its main branches, Spanish in concrete, was born in River Douro-Duero, Salamanca, just in the antique border that separates Spain from Portugal.
Magnificient "La Almendra" (The Almond) Dam in gold, located in River Tormes, SALAMANCA, last Dam built by "Saltos del Duero". Font: Iberdrola, Financial Balanace. Anuary 2011
First rights for hidroelectric power, were obtained by Mr. Cipriano Salvatierra and Mr. Vicente Augusto Godinho in the early years of 1906, Royal Order 1906. They were the pioneers in Hidroelectric Energy in the Douro Basin, watched the Douro Canyon several times during 1905, before administrative request.
First adventurers in Duero-Douro Basin, from 1895 to 1906.
The first location choosed for the Dam along 110 kilometers, was studied in two zones, Aldeadavila and Pereña de la Ribera, not concreted because were necessary another forces to develop the dreamed project: huge amounts of money and the permissions from people, and pioneers were working ansiously to get these.
Geologycal Map from Douro Basin in Salamanca. The basin requested by the piooners in 1905. They didn`t get this,and Spanish engineering at this moment, couldn´t develop the vast Project.
Download the official history of the vast Construction of Aldeadávila Dam (1957-1987), IBERDROLA: